Descargar Gratis International relations 1879-2004. Per il Liceo linguistico (Flagship History) de Derrick Murphy PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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International relations 1879-2004. Per il Liceo linguistico (Flagship History) de Derrick Murphy

International relations 1879-2004. Per il Liceo linguistico (Flagship History) de Derrick Murphy

Autor: Derrick Murphy
Categoria: Libros,Juvenil,Historia
Tapa blanda: 216 páginas
Editor: Collins Educational (8 de abril de 2008)
Colección: Flagship History
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 7268718
ISBN-13: 978-0007268719
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Descripción - New for the 2008 specifications, this title includes material from the causes of the First World War to the conflict in Iraq.Includes historical interpretations, document source questions, explanation of difficult words and concepts, a study skills section for exam preparation and a companion website with visuals to support learning.Contents:Study and examination skills1 International Relations 1879–2004: A synoptic overview2 The causes of the First World War 1879–19183 International relations, 1919–19414 The Second World War5 The Cold War in Europe, 1945–19916 The USA and the Cold War in Asia, 1945–19737 Crisis in the Middle-East, the state of Israel and Arab Nationalism 1945–2004Index Contraportada Coverage of the causes of the First World War to conflicts of the 21st century for the new 2008 specification for AS and A2 HistoryAdapted and rewritten for the 2008 specification changes for the main exam boards.Flagship History is a best-selling and trusted name in AS and A-level history – authoritative, easy to navigate and geared towards what examiners want to see from successful students. International Relations 1879–2001 includes comprehensive factual and interpretive material, from the causes of the First World War to conflicts of the 21st century. Biografía del autor Derrick Murphy attended the universities of East Anglia, Birmingham and London and is an Educational Consultant. Formerly editor and contributor of the 'Modern History Review' he has extensive knowledge and experience of educational assessment. He has been Principal Examiner for GCE A level History at AQA, OCR and Cambridge University International Examinations. He has also been involved with assessment at Key Stage 3 and GCSE with AQA and a senior examiner with the International Baccalaureate. He has written specifications and syllabuses for examination boards within the UK but also for Hong Kong, Singapore and South Africa.

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